Automatically Adjusts Your Body
to What’s in Your Mind’s Eye...


What the informed group of room attendants experienced was akin to the classic placebo effect...
(but, with a twist!)

In their minds, they had linked up the idea that the effort they put into their job directly improved their health, ability to lose weight and their level of fitness. And less than four weeks later, as if by magic...[8]

  • They were THINNER
  • Their BLOOD PRESSURE was lower
  • Their overall BODY MASS INDEX had decreased

This was no accident.
It's the power of the mind in action!

This disarmingly simple idea ROCKED our worlds and had confirmed, like nothing else, what we’ve known all along. Of course, we were familiar with the mind's effect on the body -- but NEVER like this... not in this context.

What Creates Altered Beliefs?

A shift in perspective, a new experience, undeniable evidence and witnessing others do something we once thought impossible. IF THEY CAN DO IT, SO CAN I.

That's an Altered Belief!

The therapeutic benefits of Altered Beliefs are so widely accepted that accounting for their influence has become ESSENTIAL in clinical drug trials.[24][26] [29] It is considered one of medicine’s most potent assets.[6][21] Unlike most other treatments, it is safe and has withstood the test of time.

Not Convinced? Let Us Prove It To You...

In a meta-analysis of 2,318 rigorous clinical drug trials for antidepressant medications...

  • …more than half (50.97%) of the antidepressants’ results were attributed solely to the power of the mind – the placebo effect.[6][16]

Here’s where we started to get really excited.

This simple mindset shift and its extraordinary effects extend MUCH FURTHER than just medications and therapy.[5][11][13]

For instance...

  • Subjects exposed to FAKE POISON IVY developed real rashes.[4][8][6]
  • People drinking “placebo caffeine” experienced increased motor performance and heart rate consistent with the subjects’ beliefs.[3][10]
  • Patients given anesthesia and a fake knee operation experienced reduced pain and swelling in their ‘‘healed’’ tendons and ligaments.[6][26]

This powerful psychological effect doesn’t need to involve fake pills or procedures; Symbols, beliefs, and expectations can also unleash untold physiological results.[17][18][24]

For example:

  • ● Athletes convinced they were lifting less weight than was actually on the bar were able to exceed their personal best by as much as 20%.[7][19][22]

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), physical inactivity is the fourth-leading risk factor for global mortality, causing an estimated 3.2 million deaths around the world annually. (let that sink in a moment.)

In as little as ONE WEEK of bed rest, an individual can lose as much as 3.1 pounds of muscle![31]

Furthermore, how we perceive physical activity is just as important as doing it...[32]

  • Researchers examined data from 61,141 Americans to determine whether the way we think about our own physical activity could be a major and long-term significance for health.
  • The result... individuals who perceived themselves less active than others were up to 71% MORE LIKELY TO DIE in the follow-up period than those who perceived themselves as more active. ...Even after accounting for the effects of actual physical activity and other known determinants of mortality such as smoking or obesity!
  • In other words, individuals' perceptions about their level of physical health were STRONGLY RELATED TO THEIR LONGEVITY.[15][28][32]

Hack your mind and your body will follow...

Now You Can Use The Power of THE RIGHT MINDSET To Auto-Correct Your Outer Self with Your IDEAL Inner Self To Achieve Your Fat Loss And Fitness Goals...

This powerful information along with years of additional research and real life in-the-field experience led us to the development of a ROCK SOLID METHOD...

...For using the power of the mind to align the inner with the outer you and turn your body into a fat burning, butt shrinking, gut annihilating muscle building machine at any age!

This is a simple, yet effective solution with proven results.

It's the SECRET BLUEPRINT that works every time for using the power of your THOUGHTS along with CONGRUENT ACTION to accelerate your weight loss, body sculpting and AGE REVERSING RESULTS with minimum effort.