We're Tom & Dawn Terwilliger

As #1 bestselling authors, motivational speakers, and recognized as two of the world’s top fitness professional and “Mind Body” Experts…

(and, we've been married AND business partners for over 23 years!)

We know exactly how to align mind AND body for extraordinary results.

We live it every day, which is why in our 40s and 50s we’re still fierce fitness competitors, models, and sought after performance coaches to some of the wealthiest people in the world.

...Including celebrities such as Regis Philbin, Cindy Crawford, Eddie Murphy, Gregory Hines, and Howard Stern.

We've Compiled
Body Sculpting, & Mindset Strategies
Into One Comprehensive Method


Clearly, I haven't convinced you or perhaps it's more incentive you need.

Either way, you shouldn't leave empty handed. I have a limited number of $10 Gift Vouchers AND I want you to have one of them!

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At first, we only shared it privately within our fitness community...

They were blown away by their results!

We received comments like these...

Seeing their amazing results has inspired us to share it!

After watching our private clients rack up success after success in fat loss... body sculpting... health restoration... and fitness and age reversal, we’re releasing our breakthrough method to the general public.

Now It's YOUR TURN...


The Over 40 Solution


A Physical & Mental Shift Towards A Younger More Energized Way of Looking, Feeling, and Thinking

The Complete Training System Designed
To Get Results FAST!

  • The 7 Levers to achieving ANY fitness or body goal.

    You need just 4 (not all 7) to achieve massive success!

  • Ways to DRAMATICALLY lower stress levels.

    Did you know stress is the biggest cause of belly fat? That’s right, it’s even worse than carb-filled foods!

  • Little known secrets to increasing your FOCUS and CLARITY.

  • Using STRUCTURED beliefs to build the body of your dreams.

  • REVERSE Premature Aging and Nurture Your Body and Mind Back to a Balanced State.

  • TRIGGER and Restore a Sluggish Metabolism

  • How to crush the obstacles that keep you from massively increasing your CONFIDENCE and sense of SELF WORTH.

  • The best way to BURN FAT without causing body catabolism (breakdown) and loss of valuable muscle tissue.

  • The reason why you PLATEAU and what to do about it.

  • How to incorporate this "ancient energy art" to TRANSFORM your body’s receptiveness to body sculpting.

  • Learn how to eat. Create a delicious NUTRITION PLAN tailored to provide daily optimum energy, recovery, repair, growth while reducing inflammation.

  • STAYING POWER: If you’ve ever been forced to quit something you really wanted to succeed at, you’ll learn how to turn it around and use it to your advantage.

Inside your mind, there is an enormous, untapped power and it’s extremely receptive to your desires and instructions.

However, you must first know how to access and use it.

When it comes to tapping into the power of your mind to help sculpt your dream body, lose weight, and reverse the aging process there has been no “owner’s manual.”


Here's The Complete MAX MIND LEAN BODY Package You'll Get Instant Access To Today

(This Includes 3 FREE Bonus Gifts)

Everything in the Max Mind Lean Body Method is designed specifically to change your mindset around your body.


The powerful 30-minute sessions are all about reclaiming your youthful power, destroying limiting beliefs, and developing new physical and mental strength.

The unique compounding effects of the training program will progressively elevate your workout focus and increase your intensity output over a short period of time creating acute and measurable physical changes (transformations) matched by palpable mental shifts.

You’ll move quickly through 3 Progressive Phases:


Phase I is all about laying the foundation and gaining momentum. It’s where you get to dive into the program and strengthen your commitment through action. In this phase, you’ll begin conditioning your body and increase fat burning hormones.

You’ll feel the invigorating and stimulating effects of increased oxygen flow, brain awakening and clearer thinking and begin to regain the lost rapport with your body.


Phase II is about exceeding expectations... your expectations. We already have much higher expectations for you than you have for yourself. We know that after completing the “Mind Map Audio Modules” you’ll have much more in you than you think you do...right now.

In Phase II, you’ll begin to feel yourself getting stronger and see the unwanted body fat melting off and new muscle taking shape.


Phase III is about stretching yourself physically, mentally, and emotionally. It’s about reaching even deeper inside and finding that part of you that will not quiet and will no longer tolerate less than all you can be.

In Phase III the real transformation has begun to take shape. It will be time to start investing in some new clothes.


The Unique Rejuvenation portion of the MAX MIND LEAN BODY Method is designed to quickly take your revving engine from 10,000 RPMs to coasting downhill within a few short and relaxing breaths...

Performed in just the right way the regular practice of the MMlb Rejuvenation Techniques immediately following the MMlb workout serves to:

  • 1

    Quickly shut down the release of destructive catabolic (negative) hormones like cortisol associated with post-workout trauma...

  • 2

    Begin flooding the cells of the body and brain with rejuvenating oxygen...

  • 3

    Promote the immediate production of the anti-aging mind-body rejuvenating hormones...

    Growth Hormone
    And More...

  • 4

    Relax your “racing brain” and calm your accelerating heart...

  • 5

    Elevate your spirit, refocus your mind...

  • 6

    And massively accelerate your post-workout recovery and rejuvenation for extraordinary results..

Picture yourself in the mirror. It's sometime in the near future and you’ve using the MAX MIND LEAN BODY Method for the past several weeks...

The first thing you notice is that you look less stressed and well rested; you no longer have those tired old bags under your eyes; your skin looks tighter and more vibrant; your eyes look brighter and more alive and you have to admit it, you look younger, healthier and leaner!

That’s what you’ll experience when you diligently apply the
MAX MIND LEAN BODY Training, Mindset and
Rejuvenation Techniques.

...and We Took it One Step Further

We have put a lot consideration and detail into developing MAX MIND LEAN BODY and we wanted to make sure that you get a simple, yet comprehensive all-in-one program.

However, ALL-IN-ONE does not mean ONE-SIZE-FITS-ALL!

That is why Dawn and I decided to create...


Two Versions Specifically Designed For Men & Women Over 40

Max Mind Lean Body - Tom & Dawn Terwilliger

Remember what I said earlier?

"Everything in the MAX MIND LEAN BODY Method is designed specifically to change your mindset around your body."

While the workout is SIMILAR and the concept around the program is SIMILAR, there are some important subtle differences in phraseology...

...Includes topics that are specific to men and others for women over 40.

BONUS #1: MMlb Quick Start Guide

Jump Right into the MAX MIND LEAN BODY Program

When you make the decision to commit to the MMlb Method you immediately create massive momentum. There’s nothing like momentum to push you through the finish line.

We created the MMlb Quick Start Guide so you won’t lose that momentum or a single second getting started.

You’ll find the entire MMlb program from start to finish in this easy to use guide. So what are you waiting for? Let’s get rolling.

NOTE: We still recommend you go through the entire MMlb program for the subtle nuances, mind map training and special tips of the MMlb Method.

BONUS #2: Core Dynamics

The Only Core Training Program You’ll Ever Need

The abs are the NUMBER ONE area we all want to improve...right?

The right mindset is the key to getting started and sticking with it but at some point you have to know what it takes to chisel sexy lean core muscles.

The MMlb Core Dynamics System shows you how to use time tested fail proof methods to sculpt and shred your core with just minutes a day.

BONUS #3: MMlb Training Journal

The Best Athletes in the Word Track Their Performance

Tracking your workouts and Rejuvenation sessions is one of the best ways to turbocharge your progress and keep yourself on track.

The MMlb Training Journal is designed specifically for this program and will help you move from Stage 1 - Stage 2 - Stage 3 faster and stronger than you possibly could without it.

Using the training journal will give you much more confidence as you move forward. It’s your session to session guide to massive weight loss and body sculpting results.

In all honesty, we don’t feel it’s right or moral to exclude anyone from accessing the solution they desperately need just because of price.

That would be like adapting the big drug companies' immoral money gloming strategy.

It’s just not right.

The average person looking to lose the unwanted weight, shrink their waist and slow down the aging process will spend more than $112,000 over the course of their lifetime trying to find an actual solution that works.[18] That's more than a four year college education!!

It’s our mission to reduce that ridiculous number by $111,963 starting right now.

Which is why we decided for the PRE-SALE INTRODUCTION to price the entire MAX MIND LEAN BODY Method and the special bonuses and a few incredible bonuses we haven’t told you about yet…

For the Low Price of $37

YES, we know it’s a bargain, even a bit ridiculous. After all that's a 90% discount!

But, that’s not the point.

The real point is we’re using this breakthrough program as a transformational tool. By giving you this information, tools, and resources you'll have a guaranteed opportunity at looking and feeling your absolute best and radically change your life...


So much so, others can’t help but notice. That will give us the opportunity to reach a lot more people. We want to impact the lives of over 2 million people who are struggling with their weight, feeling old before their time, and searching for a solution.

In other words, we want YOU to be our best testimonial!

Not only are we practically giving it away but we're also including 5 more powerful bonuses!!!


PLUS, 5 more bonuses that will change your perspective on fitness, aging, weight loss and longevity along with the ability to make it happen! That's a whopping $161 value FREE just for taking action today.

Just click the "ADD TO CART" button to INSTANTLY RECEIVE
the entire MAX MIND LEAN BODY Method including Mega Bonus Package (worth over $375)!

A Younger More Energized Way of Looking, Feeling, and Thinking!

Including, the Mega Bonus Package (for a limited time)

Pre-Sale Introductory Price $37

add to cart

Thanks of the power of digital technology and our top-notch customer service, we have condensed this valuable information into downloadable guides keeping our costs low and passing the savings onto you. You will have full access to the entire program through a unique online portal customized especially for you.

money back logo

When You're Happy... We're Happy!

Guarantee #1

Let’s be clear. We’re not just guaranteeing the accuracy of the information… We’re not just guaranteeing you’ll be satisfied with the program… And, we’re not just guaranteeing you’ll be personally overjoyed with your results (the results that have been eluding you for so long)…

We’re guaranteeing you get 30 sincere unsolicited complements (or more) regarding your extraordinary results in less than 60 days.

You have a full 60 days to put MAX MIND LEAN BODY to the test.

Guarantee #2

We guarantee you’ll be 100% satisfied our top-notch customer service, with the program, overjoyed with the results, loving the complements and ready to share it with others or we’ll gladly refund 100% of your investment. No Questions asked.

It is combination of nutrition, exercise, stress management, and the belief system are some of the most powerful aspects of healing and overall health - allowing the wisdom of the mind body to emerge.[4][13][15]

MAX MIND LEAN BODY will show you how!

The older we get the more valuable our time becomes.

Supply and demand, right?

You don’t want to waste your precious time applying information that’s unproven, useless or harmful, do you?

No way!

You don’t even want to mess around with something that “MIGHT work,” because odds are, it could undo much of your progress or set you back even further.

Been there, done that. Talk about discouraging.

Instead, you want to invest your time applying the “success-certain” information that has won a Mr. America title, built a Mr. Olympia-worthy body and secured countless modeling contracts.

...And has helped THOUSANDS of our students, customers, and private clients win competitions, fitness modeling gigs, and enjoy a healthier lifestyle and mindset outside of the gym.

For the price of a movie ticket and a box of popcorn, you can be making great strides in transforming your mind and body right now!

  • Torch ugly, stubborn, unhealthy fat...

  • Sculpt sexy, lean muscle...

  • Add a new power to your brain - "Empower Mode"...

  • Create unstoppable momentum that even when your body starts to plateau, you'll know exactly what to do to breakthrough...

We’re not going to kid you. None of this happens by accident. None of this is “effortless.”

There are some self proclaimed “FITNESS GURUS” out there that want you to believe you can look and feel great with only a few minutes a day and little or no effort.

They will even tell you, “You Should Exercise Less”...

You’re smart and experienced enough not to believe that non-sense, even though you may want to. You and I both know there is going to be some effort involved.

The real key is to change your mindset so that even the effort feels less like work and more like fun...

With the MAX MIND LEAN BODY Method
You'll Quickly Progress!

Yes, even the occasional lactic acid burn gives you the silent satisfaction of knowing you’re toning muscle, strengthening your mind, building new power, and creating a kick ass body that won’t quit.

The most exciting, the most satisfying part?

Is when you look in the mirror. YES!

You owe it to yourself to experience this! (Instead of feeling old or disappointed.)

Your friends in MIND, BODY & Strength of WILL,

P.S. There’s one thing we haven’t talked much about and that’s goal setting.

If you think The MAX MIND LEAN BODY Method is just another goal setting program, you will be disappointed.

We’re not saying goal setting isn’t important. It is. After all I’ve written a #1 bestselling book on the subject titled, 7 Rules of Achievement

But there are even more powerful mental tools than just setting goals. And they’re easier to apply as well.

I encourage you to try MAX MIND LEAN BODY Method. It’s the foundation for our life’s work and legacy and it works!

And we want to get it into your hands, no matter what.

We’ve packaged it with some extraordinary additional information and tools and have made you an irresistible offer, given you an extraordinary price, and backed up everything we say with an unconditional guarantee.

It’s waiting for you now... your dream body, that is. If you give it a chance.

If you’ve plateaued, if you’re stuck, ready to give up, or just bored maybe the problem is how you’re thinking about the situation...or your body.

MAX MIND LEAN BODY can give you the breakthrough you’re looking for.

When you make the decision today to purchase the Complete MAX MIND LEAN BODY System along with all the Amazing Bonuses in the next few minutes minutes, you’ll receive BOTH the Men’s and the Women’s version for the same one-time price of only...

Pre-Sale Introductory Price

Now: $37

There’s a good chance there’s someone special in your life that could
also benefit from this amazing program.

NOW, you can begin the journey together for one low introductory price.

Frequently Asked Questions

How will the product be delivered?

As soon as you complete the simple and fast order process you will immediately receive a download link in your email inbox. The download link will lead you directly to the entire digital MAX MIND LEAN BODY program including all the amazing bonuses.

Do I need to pay for shipping?

The entire MAX MIND LEAN BODY System and all the bonuses are digital and will be delivered directly to your email in box so there is no shipping or handling cost to you.

Is there a satisfaction guarantee?

Absolutely. We want you to be 100% satisfied not just with the quality and content of the MAX MIND LEAN BODY program but also with your RESULTS. If within 60 days you are only 99.9% satisfied we will return your investment with only one question. “How can we improve our product?”

Do I need a lot of training and exercise experience to implement the exercise portion of the program?

Some experience can only help you move towards your weight loss and body sculpting goals faster but it’s not at all necessary. The MAX MIND LEAN BODY System is designed to be easily implemented even if you have ZERO EXPERIENCE.

When do most people start to see real results?

Every individual is different and obviously results will vary but most people begin experiencing serious results by the middle of stage 2 at around the 6 week mark.

I’m in my early 50s am I too old for this program or to expect results from any program?

Absolutely not. The first thing the MAX MIND LEAN BODY Method will do is change your entire mindset around “Being Too OLD.” Beyond that, the exercise and nutrition components of the program will not only educate you on a new and more empowering mindset but give you the basic tools, rules, and strategies for making the absolute most of this exciting 2nd half.

Is the MAX MIND LEAN BODY System just another goal setting program with a little exercise and diet thrown in?

Absolutely not. Identifying your desired outcome and using the MMlb System as your plan for achieving it is only a small fraction of the entire program. It goes much deeper than that. Above and beyond the actual nutrition and training methodology the program is designed to help you rewire the way you think about your body, weight loss and your ability to develop physical strength well into your 40s, 50s, 60s and beyond.

I’m a woman and want to get leaner not bigger. Will I develop too much muscle on the program?

You can put on as much muscle as you want and not a pound more. You have all the control. The program is all about you taking back and owning your power. You decide to what level of intensity you implement the training system and that will determine how much or how little muscle you develop. Most importantly you will lose a lot of body fat.

How does the program help me “re-program my mindset” for better, faster, and effective long term results?

It’s no secret that your attitude will determine your aptitude and ultimately your results. Dawn and I also believe your attitude is determined by your over-arching mindset around your body, health, fitness, and aging. The program uses the latest breakthroughs in neuroscience, neuro-linguistics, and hypnosis to fundamentally change the way you think about all those things.

How is the WOMEN’S version of the program different than the MEN’S?

Both the women’s and the men’s version of the MAX MIND LEAN BODY Method are similar in many respects. However we recognize the fundamental structural, hormonal, and objective differences between men and women and purposely took the time to develop two very distinct versions of the program so not to ignore but rather to better serve those differences.

Attention Over 40 Men & Women

MAX MIND LEAN BODY Is Looking For Your Testimonial!*** Click Here To Enter ***

Attention Over 40 Men & Women